School Nurse
As per New York State Education Law, a school nurse must be a Registered Professional Nurse (RN). School nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing. The School Nurse is recognized as the healthcare expert in the school building and facilitates the health and well being of the school population. This is achieved by participating in on-going educational opportunities that are appropriate to the specialty area and using current research findings and evidence-based information to expand knowledge, enhance role performance, and increase knowledge of professional issues.
Primary Responsibilities:
- The School Nurse provides health services for students and staff, act as advocates, liasons, and consultants on health related issues for students, families and school personnel. They are an integral part of the Bedford Central School District school program in supporting an optimum physical, mental, emotional and social climate for all students and staff. The services provided by the School Nurse include: health care delivery, health counseling, and health program and policy development including:
Delivery of Health Services: School Nurses coordinate the School Health Program through communication and collaboration with the following individuals: District Physician, School Personnel, Parents, Students and Community Resources.
- Protecting and maintain student’s health by providing professional nursing services in accordance with Nursing Standards and NYS Licensing.
- Providing NY State-mandated and annual screening programs including vision, hearing, height, weight and scoliosis.
- Facilitating NY State-mandated immunization and communicable disease control requirements.
- Administering medication and medical procedures as directed by the health care provider.
- Promoting and monitoring infection control.
- Identifying and assessing students’ health needs, implementing intervention services, and evaluating plans of care which impact student learning and achievement or safety.
- Participating as members of the school’s multi-disciplinary team, interpreting medical data.
- Acting as liaison between home and school, and community providers for medical issues.
- Coordinating referrals between home and school to community medical providers.
- Identifying and reporting school building safety issues which impact student or staff health to the building administrator.
- Participating as members of the school’s Emergency Management, Health & Safety and Crisis Response Teams.
Information Management
- Documenting health services provided in accordance with the NYS Nurse Practice Act.
- Maintaining current pertinent health data for each student by periodic review and documentation on the individual student electronic and paper health records.
- Completing student and staff incident/accident reports.
- Initiating and documenting health surveillance programs as needed and recording, compiling and reporting aggregate student health information as required by NYS Department of Health.
- Follow-up contact with parents and primary care providers regarding clarification or missing medical information.
- Providing appropriate School Personnel with pertinent information that impacts the education of student learning, physical or medical findings.
- Input in preparing Health Office budget.
Health Education
- Promoting a safe environment that is positive, student-centered, and differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.
- Providing staff and community educational opportunities as needed.
Professional Development/Community Involvement
- Developing and pursuing individual professional growth plans which may include: in-service workshops, graduate courses, conferences and collegial learning.
- Participating in research and data collection involving School Nursing and Health Education.
- Demonstrating an understanding of the milieu of the community needs in which they practice.
- Collaborating community partners in delivery of Health Education or services as needed.
Health Forms and Referrals
All students registered in New York State schools are required by the Education Law to attend physical education classes. Any student who is unable to participate in the program must have a special note signed by his/her health care professional.
A physical examination by a duly licensed health care professional is required upon entrance to the school district for PreK, kindergarten and at grades 2, 4, 7 and 10. Forms for exams may be obtained from the district website or school nurse. If your child has special health needs, or if his/her health status changes, it is essential that you contact the school nurse so this information can help guide school personnel in proper health counseling and program modification.
The school nurse screens annually for general vision, hearing and scoliosis abnormalities. Parents are notified of any concerns. Recommendations for follow-up by the family physician or a specialist are made based upon NYS Education and Department of Health guidelines.
New York State Law mandates certification of immunization against Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, regular measles, Rubella (German measles), Mumps, Hepatitis B and Varicella for your child’s entry to school. No child shall be admitted to school without acceptable certification of immunization or a written religious/medical exemption. If the student is in the process of completing the immunization process, extensions of up to 14 days may be granted on an individual basis after careful review by the principal. This information is required at the time of registration.
In an emergency, the school nurse or certified staff member is authorized to perform only first aid services. Parents will be notified using emergency contact numbers on file which are confirmed via the Demographic Information Form at the beginning of each new school year. Parents should provide the school with cell phone numbers, if available, and alternative names and contact numbers in case the student becomes ill or injured at school and parents are unreachable.
Administering Medications to Students During School Hours
As outlined in the Nurse Practice Act, Pharmacology Law and in the provisions of the New York State Education Law, school nurses, teachers, and other school personnel are not allowed to administer any medications in school without a doctor’s written order and a parent’s written permission. No prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications can be given unless these documents are completed and on file in the school health office.
If your child requires medication during school hours:
- The doctor and the parent/guardian must complete a medication permission form available from the school nurse.
- The parent/guardian must deliver the prescribed medication to the health office. It MUST be in the original unopened container with the attached label as purchased
If a student brings unauthorized medication to school, it will be taken from him/her and the parent/guardian notified. The medication will be discarded if it is not claimed by the parent/guardian.
When medication is no longer to be administered to a student during school hours, the unused supply of medication and its container will be destroyed, unless claimed by the parent.
Note: Students should have a normal temperature for 24 hours before returning to school after an illness.